Well, the following day he came into Katlyn's room and was very regretful to inform us that he had been mistaken about Katlyn T cell activity. He said that she's actually around 2,700 instead of 27,000 and that she can't leave until she's 20,000. He apologized profusely and I just know he meant it. It was an honest mistake and the most important thing is Katlyn wasn't harmed. She is okay and nothing has just as far as her doing well. It's probably going to take us at least a month before we can leave, but Katlyn is doing great and that's really all we can ask for. It's really out of our hands. If it would be dangerous to bring her home, we don't want to. That really is the most important thing to us, Katlyn being okay. And she is.
She is doing fantastic. As of Tuesday, her neautrophil count was 595. On Wednesday she was 510 and today was 437. I think the reason we're seeing a little decrease in numbers is because they're checking her everyday. She will be checked again tomorrow and I'm pretty confident they will be up. We will be going back to checking them every Tuesday and Friday again for sanity reasons. The reason why we were checking them every day, is so that her doctor could assess if Katlyn was in fact ready to go back to Canada. Now that we know we're here for a bit longer, we can just monitor the way we had been.
Katlyn finally got the ear molds for her hearing aids today. There had been a mix up with the mail so it took about three weeks for them to get here, which was a bummer. They are great though. Katlyn barely bothered with them all day because they fit so well. She even said at least a dozen new words today including "Home."