Again I need to apologize for not writing as often as I should and would like to. It has been insane since the last time I wrote. I have barely got any sleep and it's all because if a unwanted visitor taking a stroll through our room at the Children's Inn the other night. I was laying there reading my book droning in and out, when something dark on the wall caught my eye. I jumped up like I've never jumped before. There was a huge bug on the door and I was pretty certain it was a cockroach. Not 100% though, as I have never had an encounter with one before. So the first thing I thought was that no one is going to believe me and I'm going to have to go to sleep with this huge bug in this room. So I quickly taped the bug in my room. Trust me when I say I didn't get too close and that's where the zoom came in handy. Trust me when I say that bugger moved fast. So after getting some footage I ran downstairs to get some help. The security guard let the manager on duty know and followed me up to our room where we met the manage. The security guard said it defiantly was a cockroach and he squashed it with my shoe. As soon as he said it was my face went completely red and tears filled my eyes. At that very moment I became even more home sick. I've never heard tell of a cockroach in Canada.
So the suspect he was just by himself and was just passing through. I think he might have came through our neighbors window because they leave it open all the time. So that has been keeping me up at night. I still can't shut off the light or television when it's my turn to go to sleep at the Inn.
So Katlyn is doing extremely well. All of her numbers are up. Her neautrophils were 624 on Thursday which is fantastic and we're hoping they will be up again tomorrow. Also, her lymphocytes were at 98 and they need to be at 100. And finally her T-cell proliferation was 18,000 and it needs to be 10,000. So that was very uplifting news. So One of Katlyn's doctors is currently in Italy on vacation so when he gets back they are going to talk about when it is that Katlyn can go home and then will get in touch with her doctor at the IWK. I really hope it's soon. We have so much to do to get a home ready for Katlyn when she can finally go out in the real world and we really can't do anything from here.
We are going to move to Moncton because there is city water and that will solve that problem. We are hoping we can live with my mother but we need for someone to take a look through her house to see if it's safe and what needs to be done. And I'm guessing a lot of fundraising is still going to be needed. We still have such a long road ahead of us. We are going to get Katlyn through it though, no matter how much work we need to do.